
About Verumfidei It'll blow your mind.

Modern man has begun to realize that the world is spiraling out of control and all things are not to par. History and today now seem like two distant cousins, and mankind struggles to reconcile these two eras. The idea behind Verum Fidei is to bring the solution to this current conundrum and make it readily available to “men of goodwill”. The book of Osee 4 vs 6 says; “My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge” therefore in engaging Verum Fidei one is bound to “come to the knowledge of truth” 1 Tim 2 vs 4, and by acting accordingly, would find peace in a world hell bent on despair.

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In order to achieve this efficiently See for yourself.

Verum Fidei went into partnership with St Pius X Catholic Church which is under the pastorship of a priest of the Priestly Society of St Pius X; Reverend Father Peter R. Scott, for according to our mind, an apostolate is bound to be usurped by the devil without the shepherding of it by the clergy.

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And lastly, this one. About St. pius X Chapel.

St. Pius X Catholic Church is a Church of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X, dedicated exclusively to the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass, along with all the traditional sacraments, ceremonies and blessings of the Catholic Church, as they were celebrated before the Second Vatican Council.

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What we hope to accomplish. See for yourself.

The Society of Saint Pius X is a community of priests established canonically by Archbishop Lefebvre in Switzerland in 1970, which has now spread throughout the world, providing traditional Catholic teaching, sermons, retreats, Masses, sacraments and schools to those who request them. All Catholics are welcome to attend the Masses celebrated at St. Pius X church, but respect for the sacred, kneeling for Holy Communion on the tongue, silence in church and modesty of dress are all required..

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